Tuesday, 29 January 2013

That's life, Now with Extra Sinatra. Bi-polar-arrific'

That's life, Now with Extra Sinatra.

I wish to appolgise in advance, this is written to a poor standard however i just cannot be arsed to sort it out, normal service will resume in the next post! i assure you!

Now In this post i will delve into something a little deeper than the usual Byron jam jacked fun! i shall be talking about how it is to live with Bi-polar. Outright i should state that i have not be psychoanalysed with Bi-polar, however it is commonly accepted that Bi-polar is hereditary. All the men on my mothers side of the family have Bi-polar and i show indefinite signs of Bi-polar and will not be diagnosed with it purely because i hate Hospitals, and even more being analysed by healthcare professionals, however i still have the mindset of someone suffering with bi-polar, the amazing highs followed by the terrific lows, i shall be giving you an insight today dear reader just to explain to myself, mostly, how i feel.

Let me give you the low down on my feels today then, i know i had one unbelievable high but thats another matter.

7 Am woke up, literally struggled out of bed to think of a reason to drag myself to Sixth Form (Low)
7:30 Am My mum said i could go to see The Who, Yes The Freaking Who (Ecstatic High)
9:05 Am sat in the Sixth Form, with people who discuss football all the fucking time... (Mid low)
10:45 Am Doing the runnaround for some ungrateful sod who was perfectly capable of doing it themselves, and not taking on board my excellent and faultless advice because i know my stuff when it comes to that topic (burning anger and resentment at how easily i will do things for people)
12:30 Pm Really hurt my foot, owwie, (Quite funny actually)
2 Pm After having dragged myself to New College i just couldn't stand to be in that lesson any more and faked a doctors appointment to get out of the last 1/3(seething anger again after having calmed down)
3 Pm When a Prat ruins something you were excited about, Passive aggressive sod that he is. I suspect some Freudian Flaws (Low
4 Pm Home to find my mum actually interested in what i have to say for a change (High)
5 Pm Reading about insolent peoples failures at goals they have set numerous times... Seething anger yet again

At times i just feel like the sinatra song, Thats Life, Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qh_TKJTPsQ

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Love - Talk dirty to me meets, a silentnight mattress

 Talk dirty to me meets, a silentnight mattress 

J.R. Hartley.

Firstly i would like to apologise for the length of time it has taken me to put a new post out there!

Avast there gentle reader! NO, NO, NO! I am not enticing you to talk to me in the most filthy and deplorable manner possible, that is for another time, no, i am quoting the 1987 Poison single, that of the same title. I recently discovered the song and it is just well, great in short, near perfect as a matter of fact it helped my Wednesday breeze by, I tend to enjoy a cigarette when violently dragging on it and strumming along to something  - http://bit.ly/2NSkL3 - this is the perfect song for such a thing.

Now i shall not go into immense detail about the song, to the contrary in fact, it is mostly a stepping stone on to my next topic, the one in which unites most human beings LOVE yes that over used word LOVE. Now you might be asking yourself why is he blethering on about love, put simply, it is cold, LOVE is something that is always described as a warm feeling and i felt like turning the thermostat up a bit, to quote Frasier " Love for a man or a woman present its self in many strange ways, at times it can be fiery hot passionate, and other times just someone warm, familiar and that gives you a sense of security" 

Firstly the passion, yes dear reader it is possible for me to even get a passionate encounter, should you not wish to have horrid images in your mind just think before you read on, its not terrible but not pleasant either. Most Passionate relationships in the beginning are based purely on physical attraction, and ultimately leads to sex, right now Marvin Gaye, pipes, smoking jackets, and silk undergarments come to mind... yes but to return to my point, Physical attraction i believe that people can just look at someone and given the right circumstances just want to just them then and their consequences be damned! and if it so happens the other party feels the same way! well done their chap! Chocks away! enjoy with compliments.

However, the more longer lasting sense of love in my opinion tends to come from something that is essentially  a  silentnight Mattress - Safe and warm, It may not burn with the passion of a thousand suns, but it someone who is there for you through thick and thin, That special person. In short the person who compliments your personality and helps advance you as a person, so with that chintzy little thing in mind i leave you to enjoy your Saturday. And just a hint from Sinatra, Love is Lovelier the second time around!  

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Law and Order.

Law and Order.


Another lazy Saturday draws to a close, so its time to pour the drinks, cook the chips and settle down to my favourite show, Law and order, and being British of course when i say this i do not mean out awful rendition of law and order, no, i mean the Original one, set in the thumping heart of New York.

Firstly i shall say, Law and order has the most Bad ass theme tune of any Tv show-ever. 
- So 70's sounding :D

I Watch law and order on the recently named FOX formerly known as, FX. such is this i am only able to watch the first 9 of 20 seasons, but i watch the same episodes over and over, Law and Order happens to be one of those shows that every time you watch you get a new angle and set of details from.

Although claiming to be fictional you can normally find a good legal precedent in there from a real case that was in the news at the time of writing that show, to me having a good set of precedents under your belt does tend to be helpful in debates and conversations with law as a central topic.

With Law and Order also, it is not just pumping mindless entertainment and cheap laughs into you, it is much more than this, it is a comedy, Ethics, History, Sociology, Science, Psychology and Anthropology lesson all rolled into 456 easy 60 minute lessons, if you watch every episode. I make this claim because the show is written very well, for example The detective  Lenny Briscoe, Played by Jerry Orbach would always have a witty pun just before the opening credits played and this could be used over and over and it would still remain funny. Ethics  come into the equation throughout the episode as the Characters constantly discuss the repercussions of certain actions, such as murder, fraud, the death penalty  religion and politics always hot topics, but always taken on by the writing staff with an informative frame of mind. Science comes in to play like many other shows of the crime nature, with Forensics, and all such a manner of things.

The two things that Law and order do outstandingly well are Psychology and Anthropology, Now for those of you who do not know they are basically the study of people, because the show covers New York it has a wide range of people it has looked at and the the crimes they can commit, for example, wall street bankers murdering their boss for millions of dollars, Latino men shooting men who had raped their wife, Elderly white folks being robbed by drug abusers, on the face of it these cases seem every mundane but it is the level of psychoanalytical research that the writers did that really puts a good spin on the mindset of the victims and people who carried out these horrid crimes.

Now, just to talk about my favourite Actor from Law and Order, Now to americans if you say law and order, the first thing the comes to mind for them is Lenny Briscoe, Played by Jerry Orbach, I am not even going to describe him to you as he is not worthy of my writings, instead i shall merely tell you about the amazing things Jerry Orbach appeared in, in his long careerer before dying of Prostate Cancer on December 28th 2004


Off Broadway



Note: Jerry Orbach voiced two Disney characters; Lumiere from Beauty & tne Beast and Sa'luk from Aladdin and the King of Thieves.


Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Kids today!

A Merry Wednesday to you!

Tonight keen reader you find me with tingling finger tips, no and this is not the product of some medical oddity no no, it is instead, one of the rawest human emotions, Anger!! those who know me will know that i am a very easy person to annoy and when i get the tiniest bit of anger i can fire off given the right circumstances i can fire off on to a giant tangent.

Tonight's cause of anger is people, yes those wonderful things, i am a friend, lets call him MR X and this MR X is presenting himself in such away as to make people think he deeply adores a certain type of music, I love my music, when merely chatting about the music he has not a single idea about which we are talking, he believed me when i said that my favourite song by Led Zeppelin was Red Red wine, which anyone with a working set of ears, and has lived between now and the 80's knows that song was sung by UB40, So i decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, and played UB40's version, then the little prick went on to suggest that The lead singer (who he named as Jim Morrison, YES Jim Morrison, Of the Doors) was great because it is rare that a white guy could never make such good reggae.

MY GOD. Yes. hard for anyone with a slight knowledge of music and some brains to comprehend.

On a brighter note, Quote of the day for you We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so forlornly unhappy as when we have lost our love object or its love. - Sigmund Freud

Saturday, 12 January 2013

I did not forget about my blog! Honest!

Ladies and gents, i did not forget my blog i was disconnected from the interweb, i guess that touches on my earlier post about the need to be connected all the while, i did not suffer without the net, on the contrary i enjoyed not having to use the laptop, just going home and curling up with Films is a good way to spend an evening after a tough exam or day at my abominably awful Sixth Form.

Speaking of exams i had psychology this week, which me being me, i did not revise for however i found when it came down to it, i could blag it, i think that the specification for that exam is mostly common sense, which for me is an excellent thing, not to brag but i feel i do have a good bit of common sense. i hope for a Grade B at best.

You find me on a Saturday, around half past three, having woken up feeling abysmal and slightly hungover, strange considering i have not had a drink in about a week, i am about to embark on the climb up the great precipice that is Geography Revision, but i thought it paramount to up-date my blog first just to tell my millions of adoring fans what is going on in ones life currently, Back to my precipice, Geography Revision. I have a very hefty amount to work through today, Sunday, and Monday. i will en-devour to complete it as i feel my knowledge in the four topics that need to be covered is lacking immensely and of course i have lied through my teeth and said i have revised, but me being me that means i sat around drinking and watching television.

Geography currently is the bane of my existence.

Now to drag myself away from the topic of Geography, Politics, Having watched the Iron Lady this morning, A film about the life of Margaret Thatcher, and her declining health, i have always been an avid supporter of Margaret Thatcher and what she did for this country, yes some of the things she did were monumentally stupid, nonetheless when she left office in 1990, after 11 years, the economy of the country was at an all time high.

I would now go on about politics, i have lost the zeal for finishing this post properly, so i shall leave it here, and bid you a good weekend!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Social Gatherings

Social Gatherings 

J.R. Hartley

I begin as i mean to go on, an avid avoider of the vast majority of social gatherings, tonight found me placed in a rather awkward party as such, i was found at 3 pm in my House coat, slippers and with a glass of vodka in my hand, only just able to stammer out the line, "what do you want i have only just gotten up" i was corralled into attending their party for a milestone age,- lets call them Alex for now, a Unisex name as i do not wish to give away who he or she maybe- So Alex got me to attend.

Right so there were going to be women there, possibly some i already knew so i couldn't turn up in my finest House coat, So i had a shower put on some nice jeans and a suit jacket, had a shave, filled my hip flask and off i popped, oh how wrong i was, yes there were women there, and yes it was a party. the women were in their 40's and the other guests were all relations of my friend, Never-mind  i had an OK time anyway but nonetheless It was a family gathering!!! 

And that brings me to my point, how awful i am at Social Gatherings and how Dislike them so, whether they be a drunken teenage party, or an after party at a wedding or funeral, i fit into none of them! Firstly the most common gathering for people my age is a 'house party' yes, the house party, provided i get invited that is, upon turning up you either arrive too early or too late, these can be volatile situations, if arriving too early you only you and the host are present, it can become awkward, however arrive too late and you have missed the important greetings and getting to know everyone there before they're too drunk to tell you their name, That brings me to the second complaint about the house party, the music! its either the uk top 40 belting out or some fad i do not understand, it is hardly appropriate either to stop the music and start playing my Glenn Miller Jazz records or Dion is it!

The other gathering i can think of is the family kind, now not being able to comment on every family  from Skegness to Southampton i shall only be able to talk about my own experiences. with every family gathering comes one key factor that can make or break a family gathering, that factor is, will alcohol be available or not it will either be a drab occasion where everyone exchanges the odd bit of conversation and i sit there thoroughly bored or run ragged by my younger family members! the other being a great big old Scottish punch up where everyone gets absolutely smashed and the ladies go home covered in tears and the men go home covered in blood, and the children go home well with another family member! one so sensible not to drink! 

I could rant on all day about how social gatherings are not becomming to me but i shall not! bring back the old Bath and bottle party, where people would go to great vast imperial British swimming baths buildings get very drunk and then be driven around London in Rolls-Royce's to other Bath and bottle parties to do treasure hunts! oh how great!

Friday, 4 January 2013

Mobile phones and social skills!

The degeneration of social skill, with every Regeneration of the mobile phone.

J.R. Hartley

Today my shiny new blackberry arrived, and quite frankly i did not want it, i have no need to be in constant touch with everyone and everything, and if i ever so desperately need to make a telephone call i shall carry a small address book and tuppence for the phone box. I mean is it really worth paying £20 or £30 a month on a contract of hundreds of pounds on the top of line phone for something that a phone box provides for next to nothing? Anyway today i shall be talking about how Mobiles claim to bring us all together and in touch, i think however that is to the contrary.

Here comes it, one of my favourite lines, Back in my day, well yes this really is a back in my day thing, if you class 1996 as my day, anyway yes in more recent years what has magically appeared in every persons palm whether you are 8 or 80, The mobile phone, i as a person have no problem with it, it has the potential to be a great thing, bring remote parts of the world together where traditional land line technology would be too expensive or simply impossible to build, 

It is not this that i am complaining about, oh no, it is the need to be in constant touch with each other, like every single text, tweet, and Facebook update is immensely valuable, and with the obsession with technology  Which mobile phones are not uniformly responsible for, however i do think them to be the main instigators of the trouble we have these days when it comes to face to face communication, almost all the skills people once had have been lost, people no longer use appropriate greetings, whatever happened to the  what i would call, extended greeting such as, Good morning and how are you this pleasant morning, today however the vast majority would say Hi or Alright, now is this a lack of social skills due to technology or just a Generational thing? 

Don't get me wrong i am not saying that all this technology has turned us all into socially awkward beings, no i am merely stating my belief that we lack things in real life conversation due to the abundance of conversation online and on the mobile telephone, and yes i know that young lovers in the 1950's right up to the 1990's would stay on the LANDLINE for hours on end, but that was only one medium and at least it was still speech, with texting, it is completely emotionless!

Touching on my last point something else that has come to mind, people today do not right letters! now i am not part of the majority, and i am sure some people do still stay in touch on a personal basis through the post, i am yet to find someone (other than those i write letters too) that sends letters as a means to stay in touch, if i had my way phones would only ring and text, who really needs to use Facebook and twitter and the internet all the while? Granted a long train journey, or a quick flick on the web while enjoying a cigarette does kill time but is it really needed?

But are mobile phones a good thing? always on hand in an emergency? giving mothers confidence that they can send their child out somewhere and they can always have that all important line of contact?

Whatever your stance on mobile phones and technology i have no doubt whatsoever, and i think it an indeputible point that they have had some impact on Face to Face communication! 

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

WHO ARE YOU?! Cause' i really wanna know!

To Answer the question asked by Pete Townshend, Who Am i?


To give around about answer i would have to say answer another question posed ever so often by the scum of the internet, ASL. i normally respond with some witty concoction depending on how they asked, but today i shall be Frank, well Byron, but you get the picture...
Age; 16 (at heart more like 61)
Sex; Yes, please! (therefore male)
Location; currently at the writing of this article, my bed which lies in Telford, England.

Now where to take this post? shall i tell you all about my wonderful hopes and dreams, or my hobbies and interests? or what i am like a person? or shall i be a generous sod and give you all three for the price of one! 

Now to start off with as the saying goes, 'You can judge a man by his shoes' well does that go on cost or style? well it is quite low in both departments. I guess you could say that i am the average typical teenager, well i am, almost, i am quite lazy, do not like to be out of bed before 12pm on any given day, however i do drag myself outta bed most days, and from then on in its all down hill, I don't eat breakfast you see, well unless you count today when i was a bit hungover and decided that chips would be the best thing for me as soon as i arose.

More about me, can you tell i am self-centered person? who am i to lie about it! everyone is at heart! ( i shall save the rant out other people until later on in this article, yes back to original thought, i am slightly, well old whenever anyone asks me to describe myself i always say Traditional values if i am trying to impress and if i'm not i will go with, an old man at heart. In essence, that means i am slightly sexist, slightly racist, slightly homophobic, slightly  xenophobic, i would like to be shown one British Citizen who is completly free from these. Any one who has the Vigor to say otherwise is either a liar looking to pick up birds, or someone who has to be completely superior from a moral standpoint, The worst kind of person I'm sure you the bored reader will agree with!  I do not get modern culture. I struggle to understand it, the people around me just give that little grin when something modern is suggested, that grin i can recognize from a thousand paces, the one of, its ok dear you're in a nursing home, all will be well soon. I understand next to nothing about it, kids today ehy! i am often remarking in disgust at television and music, oh and lets not forget the god awful fashion, Speaking of fashion, i can often be found dressed rather dapperly in Savlie Row's finest cut... From 1940.( but hey at least i do not look like a tart or Hipster) -I hate that word ever so much- pressed Shirt. shiny Shoes. and cuff links are a must.

Right nextly another big part of my life is music! ah yes the ears are alive with the sound of music! right now the sweet somber tone of Dean Martins terrific song Sway is slithering in to my ear deep into my soul (Phaha what tosh!) but he is a great singer, and i love him all the more for it, Old american Jazz is the center of my music world currently, it does change vastly with time, like but a few short months ago i had a Grunge phase where Pearl Jam and Nirvana were the center of my listening with a sprinkle of Iron Maiden and the likes of led zeppelin, now i really would rather put so Frank Sinatra on followed up with a bit of Perry como, then forgetting the smooth singers of jazz i also like greats like Benny Goodman, and Glenn Miller. 

So day to day, on the normal week day is dominated by Sixth Form, a place i despise going into ever so dearly, it is hard to blame one person, or even one group or task or subject for this overwhelming disgust of such a place, when i have to attent, i really do have to hunt in the moments after waking up for a reason to place both feet firmly on the floor and push in the upward direction. Ehh enough ranting about my daily routine for now, in the words of sinatra, The best is yet to come.

i am loosing the will to wrap this article up now but i shall take a crack at it, this is an outline of the ranting raving lunatic you will be reading about over the coming months, i remind you the purpose of this article is not to entertain or inform you but to give some sort of bearing to where in life i am going, it is hard to explain to you as well you have no idea what i really mean, oh yes and YOU i keep refering to you YOU is no one specific person, its not my diary or blog, it is like i am having a conversation with someone i have never met, and i thank you for listening, hopefully you can take something from this, all the power to you also if you do, Goodnight, Friend.  x

Thar She Blows!

Thar she blows!

Call me Ishmael (Byron). Some years ago--never mind how long precisely --having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would surf the net a little and see the Crazy part of the world.

That is adapted from the opening of a favourite book of mine, Moby Dick, and in essence sums up this wonderful individual you will be reading about in the months to come, i hope unless i decide to quit this!

Anyway the quote essential means, when applied to me, that i am broke sod with not a penny to my name, nor anything on shore that interests me, IE i find the world around me incredibly boring, so the internet is my refuge, my place of exploration, my world.

Recently a good few people i know have began to right blogs and hell i thought why shouldn't i take a crack at it! my writing are fairly incoherent, and i think you, that lucky reader! shall struggle to make sense of it. It will tend to be a long drunken slur or rant, whatever you prefer to call it, i will warn you now that my grammar is bloody awful. Don't shoot!

A happy new year to one and all! yes yes it is that time of year when weight watchers, Gyms and tobacco replacement products make most of their money as people believe they will change with the coming of a new year, whether they are losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting down on the old swearing or just trying to be a nicer friendlier person. I on the other hand shall have none of that tosh, and that is not to say that i think i am perfect, oh mercy me no by no stretch of the imagination do i think i am perfect, frankly i am past wanting to change myself to please others i fail to think of one single out lying thing that i could change that would make me any happier, sure i am as big as a house, eat absolute rubbish, drink vodka, gin, whiskey Etc by the gallon and smoke tobacco by the field, nonetheless i am happy with the person i am and if people do not like it well, its tough!

However i have set myself some goals for the end of the year;
i would love to be able to drive... Legally
And to that end, i would love to be driving a 1967 Triumph spitfire MK3 In signal red, possibly with a TR6 engine, Yeah in my dreams i know but just any old spitfire will do!
I would like to be a happier person. not just in public, at home also(biggest long shot here!)
I would like to get out more,
Make new friends 
Be in the company of some fantastic women, (notice the use of the plural word)