Saturday, 16 March 2013

Veni, vidi, vici

Veni. Vidi. Vici. (And a boring depressing rant.)

J.R. Hartley

Hello again reader, i welcome you to the weekend, one which yet again has seen me piled up with bloody geography work. Yes i am going to complain about it but then i would think it rather prudent to do the work as soon as possible, i recently -along with every other year 12 and 13 in the country- got my January exam results back and to be quite honest with you they were awful, An E and a U but never-mind it is a rather large kick up the arse and have encouraged me to work harder and potentially do well. Hence the title of this post, when i finish year 13 i want to be able to say Veni. Vidi. Vici. - Simply, I came, I saw, I conquered. I took on BRJ, the exam board and managed to come out with good grades and get into University. Well thats the hope anyway but i am a long way off from there yet!

Anywho, i feel i have nothing i can really publicly rant out, i'm sure you don't want to hear about what i really have on my mind. But i will tell you how i've been feeling lately, I think i can summarise my slightly somber mood with some Dean Martin lyrics; (Song here

"You're nobody 'til somebody loves youYou're nobody 'til somebody caresYou may be king, you may possess the world and it's goldBut gold won't bring you happiness when you're growing oldThe world still is the same, you never change itAs sure as the stars shine aboveYou're nobody 'til somebody loves youSo find yourself somebody to love"

Shall i explain? Well yes because i do what i want not to please no damn sod reading this. You're nobody 'till somebody loves you, well that one is plain and simple of late everyone just seems to be well busy or self-invovled and im just feeling a bit on me own and stuff, it would be nice to just have one person to talk to i just feel so so alone. I Undoubtedly would assume that i have not spoken to someone i actually know for more than 10 minutes outside of school. and even if that has happened they never show a concern in me.

Speaking of that point whenever i do speak to the odd person (Bar one or two people) people are so self-involved the conversation ALWAYS has to be centered on them, and if it isnt the conversation dies and we are left awkwardly making small talk.

The line about gold not bringing you happiness when you're growing old well i don't think that is just about having gold or riches i think its just about having too much of anything apart from love and then that thing just starts to go with time, so it could be lost of random sex, drugs, drink, gold, money, women, music whatever you name it, but basically the pleasure goes with time and you're left alone with something that brought you pleasure at some point in your life but now is just a apart of routine.

SO FIND YOURSELF SOMEBODY TO LOVE!! simple to round off the rather depressing post off i would like to simply say to anyone and everyone out there find happiness, Find love, find it anywhere you can because hell to quote, Red from the shawkshank Redemption "get bust living, or get busy dying" and loving is an essential part of living, going back to dean martin, You're nobody till somebody loves you! Because you never know when you're passing on some amazing woman to chase some other tart and you end up with both of them passing on you and end up grumpy and spending your weekend moaning about every little thing you can think off that pisses you off and staring out the window wondering what depressing thing is in store for you next.

Nevermind, end rant, i miss Alcohol.

How are the readers of this post?
Any big news?
Pointless questions that no one will bother to answer?
Did anyone even read this far?
Did i mention how much i hate things?

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